Thursday, November 25, 2010


You haven't seen Raven Noir in a while because we've been working hard to get a licensed contract with Raven's Brew Coffee©, Inc., to be able to use their Ebony Pearls™ French Roast coffee in our Raven Noir Soap.

It's been a great success and we are very happy with the results, and are ready to share it with you!

Here are just some of the specs on this NEW IMPROVED version:
Coffee helps tighten and detox skin and helps tighten and de-puff eye area - great when you're a little sleep deprived!
Caffeine supplies the skin with antioxidants which fight against aging - we all want some of that!
Recent studies conclude coffee aids in tightening cellulite when used on body - and fights acne!

*We make no claims, but give it a try, we think it's been a great addition to this already wonderful soap!

We've also used the extract of the herbs, taking out the scratchiness of the ground herbs, making it softer on your skin. It still gently exfoliates with Black Coal powder and powdered Black Walnut Husks.

Enjoy on time for the Holidays,

Team T.C. Soap Co.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great! Who could resist a coffee soap in the morning? And detox and tightening, count me in! =)
